Thursday, 8 February 2018

Extra Open Tops for Skegness!

The three open top Dennis Tridents received last year from Stagecoach Cumbria & North Lancashire have been painted in base colours 17013 (cream) and 17015/16 (white) in preparation for application of Skegness Seasider identities.  

New MMC already damaged

37461 has been delicenced after a RTC while on delivery. According to resources the back has heavy damage after being rear ended.

Picture of a Enviro 200MMC:

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Something is not right in the new Bus Station...

Me and the team decided to explore the new Lincoln City Bus Station. We wanted to grab the new City Guide but we found something more to home than that. As seen in the photo below we found a Grimsby Simplibus Town Guide next to a Lincoln Simplibus City Guide. I would have thought that they would be on the ball but just to confuse customers it seems.